Bird On the Wire

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Koncerty interpreta

Mezinárodní koncerty

Bird On the Wire: the Songs of Leonard Cohen, Bantry

pá 20 zář 2024 19:30 - The Maritime Hotel and Suites, Irsko

Bird On the Wire: the Songs of Leonard Cohen, Co. Kerry

so 21 zář 2024 20:00 - Gleneagle INEC Arena, Irsko

Bird On the Wire: the Songs of Leonard Cohen, Galway

ne 22 zář 2024 19:00 - Black Box, Irsko

Bird On the Wire: Songs of Leonard Cohen. a 90th Birthday Celebration, Dublin

po 23 zář 2024 20:00 - Vicar Street, Irsko

Bird On the Wire: Songs of Leonard Cohen. a 90th Birthday Celebration, Cork

so 28 zář 2024 20:00 - Cork Opera House, Irsko
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