Irish Folk Festival 2024 - Fair Play Tour konsertti

to 21 marrask. 2024


Irish Folk Festival 2024 - Fair Play Tour
Irish Folk Festival 2024 - Fair Play Tour
Liput Irlantilaisen kansanmusiikkifestivaalille 2024 - Fair Play Tour KONSERTTIIN 21. marraskuuta 2024 Music Hall Worpswedessa Worpswedessa ovat nyt ostettavissa.


The Irish Folk Festival

The Irish Folk Festival

Uudet konsertit

Muut The Irish Folk Festival konsertit

Kansainväliset konsertit

Irish Folk Festival - Fair Play Tour, Mannheim

su 13 lokak. 2024 19:00 - Capitol Mannheim, Saksa

Irish Folk Festival, Leipzig

ti 15 lokak. 2024 20:00 - Gewandhaus Zu Leipzig, Saksa

The Irish Folk Festival 2024, Würzburg

to 17 lokak. 2024 20:00 - Posthalle, Saksa

The Irish Folk Festival 2024, Stuttgart

su 20 lokak. 2024 19:00 - Theaterhaus (am Pragsattel), Saksa

Irish Folk Festival 2024, Augsburg

ke 23 lokak. 2024 19:30 - Parktheater Im Kurhaus Göggingen, Saksa

The Irish Folk Festival 2024, Reichenbach

la 26 lokak. 2024 20:00 - Neuberinhaus Reichenbach, Saksa

Irish Folk Festival 24, Nürnberg

su 27 lokak. 2024 19:00 - Kleine Meistersingerhalle Nürnberg, Saksa

The Irish Folk Festival, Dresden

ma 28 lokak. 2024 19:30 - Boulevardtheater Dresden, Saksa

The Irish Folk Festival - Fair Play-Tour, Rastatt

ke 30 lokak. 2024 20:00 - Badnerhalle Rastatt, Saksa

The Irish Folk Festival 2024 - Fair Play Tour, Kaiserslautern

ti 5 marrask. 2024 20:00 - Kammgarn, Saksa

Irish Folk Festival - Fair Play Tour, Mainz

to 7 marrask. 2024 20:00 - Frankfurter Hof, Saksa

The Irish Folk Festival - Fair Play Tour, Berliini

su 10 marrask. 2024 19:00 - Passionskirche Kreuzberg, Saksa
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