Concerto dei Celtic Rhythms direct from Ireland - Pulse of Energy - Tour 2025

dom 23 feb 2025


Celtic Rhythms direct from Ireland - Pulse of Energy - Tour 2025


Celtic Rhythms of Ireland

Celtic Rhythms of Ireland

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Altri concerti di Celtic Rhythms of Ireland

Concerti internazionali

Celtic Rhythms direct from Ireland - Pulse of Energy - Tour 2025, Lübeck

mer 29 gen 2025 20:00 - Kolosseum, Germania

Celtic Rhythms direct from Ireland - Pulse of Energy - Tour 2025, Amburgo

ven 31 gen 2025 20:00 - Kulturkirche Altona, Germania

Celtic Rhythms direct from Ireland - Pulse of Energy - Tour 2025, Wismar

sab 1 feb 2025 19:30 - Theater Wismar - Großes Haus, Germania

Celtic Rhythms direct from Ireland - Pulse of Energy - Tour 2025, Bonn

gio 6 feb 2025 20:00 - Brückenforum Bonn / Beuel, Germania

Celtic Rhythms direct from Ireland - Pulse of Energy - Tour 2025, Wuppertal

sab 8 feb 2025 20:00 - Immanuelskirche, Germania

Celtic Rhythms direct from Ireland - Pulse of Energy - Tour 2025, Giessen

dom 9 feb 2025 19:00 - Kongresshalle Gießen, Germania

Celtic Rhythms direct from Ireland - Pulse of Energy - Tour 2025, Röthenbach A. D. Pegnitz

dom 16 feb 2025 19:00 - Karl-diehl-halle, Germania

Celtic Rhythms of Ireland, Arnstadt

mer 26 feb 2025 19:30 - Theater Im Schlossgarten, Germania
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