Concerto dei E.L.O. feat. Phil Bates: The Music of Electric Light Orchestra Tour 2024

sab 21 set 2024


E.L.O. feat. Phil Bates: The Music of Electric Light Orchestra Tour 2024
I biglietti per il concerto E.L.O. feat. Phil Bates: The Music of Electric Light Orchestra Tour 2024 presso la Christuskirche di Bochum il 21 settembre 2024, sono ora disponibili per l'acquisto. Non perderti questa performance elettrizzante nella città di Bochum.


Phil Bates

Phil Bates

Nuovi eventi
In tour

Altri concerti di Phil Bates

Concerti internazionali

E.L.O. feat. Phil Bates: The Music of Electric Light Orchestra Tour 2024, Colonia

ven 20 set 2024 20:00 - Kulturkirche Köln, Germania

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates (former ELO pt.2), Bielefeld

sab 28 set 2024 20:00 - Lokschuppen, Germania

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates (former ELO pt.2), Ransbach - Baumbach

ven 4 ott 2024 20:00 - Stadthalle Ransbach - Baumbach, Germania

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates (former ELO pt.2), Gera

ven 11 ott 2024 20:00 - Kultur- Und Kongresszentrum Gera, Germania

The Music of Electric Light Orchestra performed By Phil Bates, Twist

sab 12 ott 2024 20:00 - Heimathaus Twist, Germania

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates (former ELO pt.2), Steinberg / Ot Wernesgrün

sab 19 ott 2024 20:00 - Brauerei Gutshof Wernesgrün, Germania

Phil Bates & Band - The Music of E.L.O. - The World of Electric Light Orchestra, Reichenbach

sab 11 gen 2025 20:00 - Neuberinhaus Reichenbach, Germania

Phil Bates & Band perf. the music of ELO - ex Electric Light Orchestra Part II, Augsburg

dom 12 gen 2025 20:00 - Spectrum Club, Germania

Phil Bates (ex E.L.O. II) & Band, Erding

dom 19 gen 2025 19:00 - Stadthalle Erding, Germania

The Music of Electric Light Orchestra performed By Phil Bates & Band, Mannheim

dom 9 feb 2025 19:00 - Capitol Mannheim, Germania

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates - Abschiedstournee 2025, Bensheim

gio 13 feb 2025 20:00 - Musiktheater Rex, Germania
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