Glenn Miller Orchestra

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Concerti internazionali

Glenn Miller Orchestra - A Tribute To The Maestro, Hämeenlinna

sab 19 ott 2024 16:00 - VERKATEHDAS, VANAJA-SALI, Finlandia

Glenn Miller Orchestra – A Tribute To The Maestro, Helsinki

dom 20 ott 2024 14:00 - MUSIIKKITALO, Finlandia

The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra - Best of, Wissen

ven 8 nov 2024 20:00 - Kulturwerk, Germania

Best of Glenn Miller Orchestra, Dresden

dom 17 nov 2024 18:00 - Comödie Dresden, Germania

World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra, Klagenfurt

mer 8 gen 2025 20:00 - Konzerthaus, Austria

World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra, Graz

gio 9 gen 2025 20:00 - Stefaniensaal - Congress Graz, Austria

Glenn Miller Orchestra, Lipsia

dom 12 gen 2025 20:00 - Gewandhaus Zu Leipzig, Germania

Glenn Miller Orchestra directed by Uli Plettendorff, Nürnberg

lun 13 gen 2025 20:00 - Meistersingerhalle, Germania

Glenn Miller Orchestra - Tour "Best Of ...", Bremen

mer 22 gen 2025 20:00 - Die Glocke, Germania

The World famous Glenn Miller Orchestra mit the Best of Glenn Miller Orchestra, Lübeck

gio 23 gen 2025 20:00 - Musik- Und Kongresshalle, Germania

The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra, Hannover

ven 24 gen 2025 20:00 - Theater Am Aegi, Germania

The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra, Amburgo

sab 25 gen 2025 20:00 - Laeiszhalle Hamburg, Germania

The World famous Glenn Miller Orchestra mit the Best of Glenn Miller Orchestra, Bielefeld

dom 26 gen 2025 18:00 - Rudolf-Oetker-Halle, Germania

Glenn Miller Orchestra, Berlino

lun 3 feb 2025 20:00 - Friedrichstadt-palast, Germania

Glenn Miller Orchestra, Magdeburg

mar 4 feb 2025 20:00 - Johanniskirche Magdeburg, Germania

Glenn Miller Orchestra, Dortmund

mer 5 feb 2025 20:00 - Konzerthaus Dortmund, Germania

The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra, Frankfurt

sab 15 mar 2025 20:00 - Alte Oper Frankfurt, Germania

The World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra - directed by Wil Salden, Halle

dom 16 mar 2025 16:00 - Georg-Friedrich-Händel Halle, Germania
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