The 12 Tenors

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The 12 Tenors - Music of the World, Berlino

mar 2 lug 2024 20:00 - Tipi Am Kanzleramt, Germania

The 12 Tenors - Music of the World, Berlino

gio 4 lug 2024 20:00 - Tipi Am Kanzleramt, Germania

The 12 Tenors, Lünen

dom 8 dic 2024 20:00 - Heinz-hilpert-theater, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Hitzacker / Elbe

gio 12 dic 2024 20:00 - Verdo, Germania

The 12 Tenors - Music of the World Tour, Gersthofen (bei Augsburg)

sab 21 dic 2024 19:30 - Stadthalle Gersthofen, Germania

The 12 Tenors - Music of the World Tour, Bad Elster

dom 22 dic 2024 19:30 - König Albert Theater, Germania

The 12 Tenors, Bad Homburg V. D. Höhe

sab 28 dic 2024 20:00 - Kurtheater Bad Homburg V. D. Höhe, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Aalen

dom 29 dic 2024 20:00 - Stadthalle Aalen, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Mannheim

lun 30 dic 2024 20:00 - Rosengarten Mozartsaal, Germania

The 12 Tenors, Kempten

mar 31 dic 2024 18:00 - bigBox Allgäu, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Giessen

gio 2 gen 2025 20:00 - Kongresshalle Gießen, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Neustadt An Der Weinstrasse

ven 3 gen 2025 20:00 - Saalbau Neustadt, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Kaiserslautern

sab 4 gen 2025 20:00 - Fruchthalle Kaiserslautern, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Koblenz

dom 5 gen 2025 19:00 - Rhein-mosel-halle Koblenz, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Merzig

ven 10 gen 2025 20:00 - Stadthalle Merzig, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Kiel

lun 13 gen 2025 20:00 - Wunderino Arena, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Cloppenburg

mar 14 gen 2025 20:00 - Stadthalle Cloppenburg, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Borken

mer 15 gen 2025 20:00 - Stadthalle Vennehof Borken, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Limburg

gio 16 gen 2025 20:00 - Stadthalle Limburg, Germania

The 12 Tenors: 15 Years Celebration Tour, Langenselbold

ven 17 gen 2025 19:30 - Klosterberghalle, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Suhl

mar 21 gen 2025 20:00 - Congress Centrum Suhl, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Marburg

mer 22 gen 2025 20:00 - Erwin-piscator-haus, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Mosbach

gio 23 gen 2025 20:00 - Alte Mälzerei, Germania

The 12 Tenors - 15 Years Celebration Tour, Schwäbisch Gmünd

ven 24 gen 2025 20:00 - Ccs Stadtgarten Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germania
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