Concerto dei The Firebirds Burlesque Show

sab 8 mar 2025


The Firebirds Burlesque Show


The Firebirds

The Firebirds

Nuovi eventi
In tour

Altri concerti di The Firebirds

Concerti internazionali

The Firebirds - Jukebox, Düsseldorf

mar 3 set 2024 20:00 - Roncalli's Apollo Variete, Germania

The Firebirds: Jukebox - Die Rock'n'Roll Show, Freital

ven 27 set 2024 20:00 - Stadtkulturhaus Freital, Germania

The Firebirds, Steinberg / Ot Wernesgrün

sab 28 set 2024 20:00 - Brauerei Gutshof Wernesgrün, Germania

Die große Firebirds Nacht, Lipsia

ven 1 nov 2024 20:00 - Haus Auensee, Germania

Die große Firebirds Nacht, Halle

sab 2 nov 2024 20:00 - Steintor Variete Halle, Germania

Die große Firebirds Nacht, Dresden

ven 8 nov 2024 20:00 - Kraftwerk Mitte, Germania

Die große Firebirds Nacht, Chemnitz

sab 9 nov 2024 20:00 - Stadthalle Chemnitz, Stadthallen-saal, Germania

The Firebirds Burlesque Show, Dresden

mer 26 feb 2025 19:30 - Comödie Dresden, Germania

The Firebirds Burlesque Show, Dresden

gio 27 feb 2025 19:30 - Comödie Dresden, Germania

The Firebirds Burlesque Show, Dresden

ven 28 feb 2025 19:30 - Comödie Dresden, Germania

The Firebirds Burlesque Show, Dresden

sab 1 mar 2025 15:00 - Comödie Dresden, Germania

The Firebirds Burlesque Show, Dresden

dom 2 mar 2025 14:00 - Comödie Dresden, Germania
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