Koncert af Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates (former ELO pt.2)
Ransbach - Baumbach

fre. 7 feb. 2025


Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates (former ELO pt.2)


Phil Bates

Phil Bates

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lør. 11 jan. 2025 20:00 - Neuberinhaus Reichenbach, Tyskland

Phil Bates & Band perf. the music of ELO - ex Electric Light Orchestra Part II, Augsburg

søn. 12 jan. 2025 20:00 - Spectrum Club, Tyskland

Phil Bates (ex E.L.O. II) & Band, Erding

søn. 19 jan. 2025 19:00 - Stadthalle Erding, Tyskland

The Music of Electric Light Orchestra performed By Phil Bates & Band, Mannheim

søn. 9 feb. 2025 19:00 - Capitol Mannheim, Tyskland

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates - Abschiedstournee 2025, Bensheim

tor. 13 feb. 2025 20:00 - Musiktheater Rex, Tyskland

Phil Bates & Band - the music of ELO, Freiberg

lør. 22 feb. 2025 20:00 - Tivoli Freiberg - Sachsen, Tyskland

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute - Phil Bates & Band, Schwalmstadt

lør. 5 apr. 2025 20:00 - Kulturhalle Schwalmstadt, Tyskland

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates (former ELO pt. 2), Lübeck

lør. 12 apr. 2025 20:00 - Kolosseum, Tyskland

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates (former ELO pt. 2), Neuenhagen

fre. 25 apr. 2025 20:00 - Bürgerhaus Neuenhagen Bei Berlin, Tyskland

Phil Bates & Band - Abschiedstournee: The Music of Electric Light Orchestra, Neuruppin

lør. 26 apr. 2025 19:30 - Kulturkirche Fontanestadt Neuruppin, Tyskland

Electric Light Orchestra Tribute by Phil Bates (former ELO pt. 2), Magdeburg

søn. 27 apr. 2025 19:00 - Altes Theater, Tyskland
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