Koncert af Geoff Tate - The Big Rock Show Tour 2025


Geoff Tate - The Big Rock Show Tour 2025


Geoff Tate

Geoff Tate

Nye koncerter
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Internationale koncerter

Geoff Tate, Oulu

tor. 16 jan. 2025 18:00 - Tullisali, Finland

Geoff Tate, Hamar

fre. 31 jan. 2025 20:00 - Festiviteten, Norge

Geoff Tate - Big Rock Show 2025, Trondheim

lør. 1 feb. 2025 20:30 - Havet, Djupet, Norge

Geoff Tate - The Big Rock Show - Tour 2025, Aschaffenburg

tir. 11 feb. 2025 20:00 - Colos - Saal, Tyskland

Geoff Tate + Support - The Big Rock Show Tour 2025, Augsburg

ons. 19 feb. 2025 20:00 - Spectrum Club, Tyskland

Geoff Tate - The Big Rock Show - Tour 2025, Ingolstadt

tor. 20 feb. 2025 20:00 - Eventhalle Westpark, Tyskland

Geoff Tate - The Big Rock Show Tour, Langenthal

fre. 21 feb. 2025 20:00 - Oldcapitol, Schweiz
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