Marc Martel

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Internationale koncerter

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Lingen

tor. 18 sep. 2025 19:30 - EmslandArena, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Hamburg

lør. 20 sep. 2025 19:30 - Barclays Arena, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Erfurt

søn. 21 sep. 2025 19:00 - Messehalle Erfurt, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Frankfurt

tir. 23 sep. 2025 19:30 - Festhalle Frankfurt, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Passau

ons. 24 sep. 2025 19:30 - Dreiländerhalle, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, München

lør. 27 sep. 2025 19:30 - Olympiahalle, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Mannheim

man. 29 sep. 2025 19:30 - SAP Arena, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Lemgo

tir. 7 okt. 2025 19:30 - Phoenix Contact Arena, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Trier

fre. 10 okt. 2025 19:30 - Arena Trier, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Bochum

lør. 11 okt. 2025 19:30 - RuhrCongress Bochum, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Braunschweig

man. 13 okt. 2025 19:30 - Volkswagen Halle, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Leipzig

ons. 15 okt. 2025 19:30 - Quarterback Immobilien Arena, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Rostock

tor. 16 okt. 2025 19:30 - Stadthalle Inrostock, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Berlin

lør. 18 okt. 2025 19:30 - Uber Arena, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel, Prague

søn. 19 okt. 2025 19:00 - O2 universum, Tjekkiet

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Nürnberg

tir. 21 okt. 2025 19:30 - Arena Nürnberger Versicherung, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Wetzlar

ons. 22 okt. 2025 19:30 - Rittal Arena Wetzlar, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Stuttgart

fre. 24 okt. 2025 19:30 - Porsche Arena, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Kempten

man. 27 okt. 2025 19:30 - bigBox Allgäu, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Koblenz

tor. 30 okt. 2025 19:30 - Cgm Arena, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Düsseldorf

lør. 1 nov. 2025 19:30 - Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Saarbrücken

tor. 6 nov. 2025 19:30 - Saarlandhalle Saarbrücken, Tyskland

One Vision of Queen feat. Marc Martel - One of the most spectacular Queen Shows, Köln

lør. 8 nov. 2025 19:30 - LANXESS Arena, Tyskland
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